Better search results with schema

Developed by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo to standardize web content, schema ensures that content on websites falls into predictable formats, allowing search engines to quickly locate and share relevant information with users.

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If you make use of schema on your website, you can get a leg up with your performance on search engines. Here's a quick peek at what these standardized web formats documented on could do for your website.

Make bots (and people) happier

Search engines want to make it fast and easy for people to find information. In the early days of the web, they would scour websites looking for keywords hidden in text, titles, and metadata. Today, through structured data markup (also known as Schema) we can more consistently describe important details about products, services, and resources.

For example, the code for a YouTube video posted on your website looks like a string of letters and numbers. However, with proper schema in place, your new company video could include a detailed title, a full description, the recording date, the number of views, and more. These details are recorded and become searchable, promoting both your website and the video to people who are searching for relevant terms.

Connect with customers

At the end of the day, you want more people to come to your website. When you provide your images, videos, products, and other content more clearly, those details can be featured more prominently in search results.

Adding good structured data markup to a page that has already been thoughtfully search optimized can take it over the top in its competition with other local businesses. Schema allows you to designate what type of business you are, whether your page is answering a question or a series FAQs, and much more. Ever wondered how to get your company in one of those answer boxes that show up at the top of a Google search? If you guessed, Schema, you guessed right.

We've seen a lot of recent SEO success by utilizing schema for our clients. We'd be happy to create a custom schema strategy for you.



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